Storing valuable items – how it works!

Objects can be valuable to you for various reasons. Some things are valuable monetarily, others hold important memories. However, for these objects not to lose value, proper storage plays a role. In this article, you will learn what you should pay attention to and whether a private storage room could possibly help you.

Tips for Storing Valuable Items

The value of an object depends on various factors. Some things are valuable because they are expensive. Others come from the past and are no longer produced as such today. This gives them a certain collector's value. And still others have a purely emotional value because you associate something special with them.

But how do you store these things properly? Here, a distinction is made between short-term storage and long-term storage. We have compiled general tips for storage for you. This way you can store your valuable belongings long-term or even just briefly, without them being negatively changed by the storage.

Fragile Objects

Porcelain, mirrors, glass – many valuable objects are unfortunately very fragile. Therefore, you should be particularly careful with storage here. It is important that you pack them well. The generous use of packing paper is recommended. If you keep the objects in a box, you should not pack too much into one box. Less is more! This way, the objects cannot damage each other.

The finished packed boxes should have a stable stand and should not be able to tip over. It is also not recommended to store them high up on a shelf. Here, the risk of a fall is too high and all your valuable items could be broken by a single mistake!

High-Quality Furniture

Do you own high-quality pieces of furniture that you do not actively use and that you want to store? Then sufficient space is needed first. Cover your furniture with special storage films and use corner protectors. This protects them from damage. It also makes sense to first line the floor with a film so that, for example, table legs are not damaged.

When storing furniture, the room climate is essential. High humidity, as found in many basements, means the end for most furniture. If you want to store valuable pieces of furniture, you should therefore choose a dry room that does not damage wood or textiles.

Collectibles such as Stamps and Coins

Collectibles such as coins, stamps, comics, dolls, records or figures are also valuable. These valuables should be stored particularly safely, as they are light and can easily be stolen if they are not adequately secured.

In addition to the aspect of security, you should also ensure here that your valuable items are not damaged during storage. Too high humidity or mold, for example, can damage stamps and comics. Records can break due to vibrations or storage together with other objects. And if pests are in the room, your collector's doll can quickly be damaged.

General Requirements for the Storage of Valuable Items

Some people who have, for example, a basement or attic, are inclined to store their valuable possessions here. However, this is not recommended in most cases. Especially when it comes to storing valuable items, there are a few requirements to consider:

  • Constant room temperature: Temperature fluctuations can cause wooden furniture to warp or devices to break.
  • Low humidity: Most basements are damp and mold often forms. This attacks almost every object until the complete loss of value.
  • Security: Depending on how your basement is locked, your valuables are more or less safe.
  • Pest-free: Unfortunately, in many houses there are pests such as mice or woodworms – at least as far as basements and attics are concerned. These can completely destroy your valuable objects.
  • Large area: So that all your belongings have a stable stand and enough space, your storage room should be correspondingly large. Too narrow rooms often lead to objects having to be stacked on top of each other or even falling over.

As you can see, storing valuable items is not as easy as it may seem at first. Therefore, you should look for solutions so that your valuables do not lose value!

Renting a Storage Room: Solutions from MySpacePlus for Your Valuable Belongings

Be they large or small valuables – storing them is often not so easy with valuable objects. Of course, it depends entirely on whether you only want to store the things briefly or store them long-term. Nevertheless, in most cases, a storage room is clearly recommended.

If you rent a storage room privately, all your valuable items will find space in it. You can also be sure that they are protected and safe from theft. Furthermore, the room climate is right: mold and moisture will not become a problem here – unlike in the basement!

We at MySpacePlus offer different models. You can rent a small storage room if you only want to store a few boxes full of porcelain or stamps. Our large storage rooms are suitable for you if you want to store high-quality furniture. No matter what your requirement is – we have the right storage room for you!

Conclusion: Valuable Objects Can Be Ideally Stored in a Storage Room!

So that your belongings do not lose value, proper storage is essential. Often, however, the conditions for this are not given in your own apartment. This is where a private storage room comes into play. It is ideal for storing valuable items.

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